Central Station
The photographer Tamuz Rezchman and art/creative director Odie Senesh were inspired by central stations,
such as the iconic one in Tel - Aviv.
Both artists decided to roam the maze and purchase various items that represent the rich mixture of cultures co-existing under the same roof.
Most businesses are run by merchants from all over the world, emigrants, and refugees who came to Israel seeking a better life.
The Irony is represented through the colorful, "advertisement -", "American dream" setup and style, all promising wonders, and reveals itself as a mere of a shattered and hopeless life.
Last year Tel - Aviv's municipality decided to take down the rotting central station building due to crime, drugs, and sex trafficking activities in the place.
Where would people inhabiting these microcosmos find refuge?
Photography & Set design/art : Tamuz Rachman
Art Direction & Set design/art: Odie Senesh